MUSIC NEWBORN - Oliver Hirsh


Music-Newborn Association


It’s a name for something that already existed long before it was founded in 2006: even the courses and related events centered on music from the Renaissance – roughly 15th and 16th century. Many initiatives were taken by Oliver Hirsh and have involved a handful of colleagues and many participants over the years.

A considerable collection of facsimile prints has built up, and instruments are also at hand. In accordance with the wish to make these readily and securely available, legal advice has been followed to organize as a society with bylaws and with a yearly elected board, required to give an annual report and to have its finances audited.

Members pay a yearly subscription (at present €10 or DKK 75), are informed of all relevant activities and are welcome to make use of the Association’s facilities.

Applications can be submitted to Patience Balslev, secretary, at


index | background | concerts | workshops | cd | courses | reflections | compositions | M-N Association | contact